Some rigging videos useful for any small boat lug rig.
They cover every step of rigging the Oz Goose Lug Rig from completing the boat to getting ready for sailing – step by step instructions.
The rigging kit is the one we use in the Philippines, so there may be some regional and materials selection options.

This is a link to what you need to rig an oz goose
Video 1 – Initial rigging after Hull and Spars are completed
This takes some time – but after this rigging and derigging are both about 5 minutes.
I’ll put a full list up but the complete rigging list for a freestanding lug can be
- Rudder Fittings
- Hatches for Buoyancy Tanks
- Stainless steel Ring or block for top of mast (we use rings up to 90sqft unless the spars are heavy).
- Cleat for side of mast to cleat off halyard.
- Three blocks for Mainsheet
- Mainsheet – double braid
- Other lines – 4mm (3/32″) polyester with spectra or dyneema core
- Shockcord to retain rudder and centreboard
Compare that to any list for a sailboat with a mast supported by wires for a pleasant surprise.
There is no need to strip the inside of the polyester/spectra line as shown for attaching the blocks to the boom. We were short of rope in the rigging kit for this iteration of group builds in the Philippines.
This is how the sail is folded and rolled when packing up at the end – Works for Lugs and Gaffs.
Lugsails are not square. So put a diagonal fold in the top of the sail so the yard is parallel to the boom before rolling the yard down to the boom.
It is actually easiest solo if you do this first BEFORE the Downhaul and mainsheet are detached.

Video 2 – Arrived at the beach for first sail and normal lug rigging process
With only a little practice this process takes 5 minutes. The big advantage of a freestanding mast and lugsail.
Some freestanding Bermudan rigs can be rigged quickly too but generally do not have the ability to reef and require expensive parts compared to the very simple lug.
More links that will help rigging your Lug Rig Dinghy
We have a rigging page for lug rigs as well with step by step instructions and photos.
And a rundown on the knots needed for rigging most small sailboats.
And the lengths of ropes and the fittings required.
Our Best Resource on lug Rig Sail setup and use
This is an older video but might be useful to see the process from a different perspective
This video is around 10 minutes long. But once used to it rigging takes under 5 minutes.