Capsize and recovery is fairly simple with the Oz Goose sailboat with and without kids aboard – complete with Videos. No water inside after.
For information on Building and sailing an Oz Goose
- BUILDING VIDEOS -Our Step By Step How to Build an Oz Goose Sailboat
- Building the Oz Goose sailboat for peanuts
- Some of the sailing performance of the Oz Goose
- Video – one of our Regattas – 17 boats – this year 32 boats!
- How the Oz Goose goes together – CAD drawings
- Ropes sizes and Fittings needed for the Oz Goose and a Supplier
First try at Capsize and Recovery of the Oz Goose before we get to the Video
Here is Jinky (all 45kg of her) pulling a goose up on her third time sailing ever.
It is a perfect day for a first capsize, not too much wind and it is onshore blowing boat and crew back to shore. The water is deep enough that the crew cannot touch bottom. Crew is wearing their lifejackets.

Boat is coming up. On some boats you have to climb up on the centreboard and pull. But the Oz Goose can be pulled up by pulling the end of the centreboard toward your stomach while floating on your back.
When you can reach up and grab the side of the boat to pull it down.

Finally get back aboard. The lighter people with good strength can just climb straight up over the side. I used to do it that way.

Now I am older and fatter I go to the back of the boat.
Put one hand on the back corner of the boat. One hand on the back of the rudderbox – that way I can push myself up and forward until I can grab the traveller or leaning strap and pull myself in.
Remember get one person aboard first then they can help the others by grabbing the back of their lifejackets and dragging them in. It is a bit like pulling a big fish in. Help them up until they can hold onto the side deck. Then grab their legs or belt (if they are wearing one and pull their butt sideways into the boat.
If you don’t practice you won’t know what method works best.
Video for capsize and recover of the Oz Goose and Oz Racer sailboats
This is the Oz Racer. Same sail, mast, spars and centreboard as the Oz Goose.
RULE 2 – SEE RULE 1. Don’t be tempted to go grab something that is floating away. Hold onto the boat.
Time needed: 3 minutes
Quick Capsize and Recovery of Oz Goose Sailing Dinghy
- Fall into the water quickly
Don’t hold onto the boat – don’t prevent yourself from going into the water as you will turn the boat upside down which is more work to recover.
- Get to the Centreboard Quickly
In light and medium winds the boat doesn’t turn upside down because the rig is buoyant and will hold the boat up. But stronger winds get round to the centreboard fast to prevent wind pressure turning it upside down. Practice makes this faster.
You can see how I pull myself around to the centreboard as quickly as possible.
This reduces the time the boat has to turn upside down.
Another way for confident swimmers is simply dip under the side of the boat – go underwater. - Pull down end of centreboard
The rig is buoyant. Lie in the water and pull the end of the centreboard toward your stomach. Dont rush it. When centreboard is closer to water put your elbow on it. When you can reach up to grab the deck.
- Get Back Aboard
If you are light and strong it may be possible to do a swimming pool exit as I do in the video. And then pull yourself in using the hiking strap or traveller
If two of you on the boat get the lightest and strongest back in the boat first.
When I was heavier and weaker I found it easier to go to the back of the boat, put one hand on the back of the rudderbox, one on the corner of the transom and push myself up there. I got about halfway and was able to put my elbow on the back of the rudderbox to push higher then I grabbed the traveller or hiking strap to get myself back in.
Note this video is real time – under a minute to recover and get sailing again.
Kids – A trick for capsize and recovery with the Oz Goose
This is a neat trick but will only work with a hiking strap and kids who have practiced. Ian Henehan thought up the method
This is the truth about capsize and recovery. If you have done it a lot then you will always be able to recover the boat. If you don’t practice … you won’t know what to do, you will be too slow and get very tired.
Boat completely upside down – means you have not practiced or the capsize was unusual.
If upside down then both crew should climb on top of the boat. They should stand on the same side of the boat while holding onto the centreboard for balance. Stick butts out as far as possible while the boat comes up slowly.