These are the Oz Goose Sailboat Building Videos that the Philippines group has made for building the their prepared flat pack. Instructional videos for building a 3D boat from 2D panels.
Note that the Philippines method relies on all components being epoxied on all sides to reduce maintenance.
This includes under the decks which was accidentally omitted from these video.

How these Oz Goose Sailboat Building Videos differ from a normal home build
1/ A lot of preparation done before these stages. However, the instructional videos are a check for the assembly process of the Plywood Oz Goose Sailboat.
eg – all framing is already attached to the flat panels and there is some coating in the buoyancy tank areas that is already done.
2/ Use of barbed ringnails – these videos are aimed at getting the boat from a flat pack to close to sailing in three days. So we use expensive ringnails to hold parts together so the next stage can be gotten underway. Normal home builds use temporary fasteners – typically plasterboard/drywall screws. No permanent fasteners does mean faster and easier repairs to the boat if needed 5 or 10 years into the future.
3/ The three day builds work because the mast, centreboard, rudder and rudderbox have been prepared in advance.
Here is the playlist for the Oz Goose plywood sailing dinghy building instructions – Philippines Method

This is a playlist – to access the videos individually click on this Icon.
It is at the top right of the video
There are 17 videos. Note that there are a couple of numbers missing in the sequence, but this is correct.
0 Using Epoxy for Boatbuilding
01 Dry Assembly of Bulkheads and Tank Faces
02 Dry Assembly of Bow & Stern Transoms
03 Dry Assembly of Side Panels
04A Gluing Bulkheads Tanks Transoms Sides Part 1 Disasssembly
04B Gluing Bulkheads Tanks Transoms Sides Part 2 How to Mix Epoxy Glue
04C Gluing Bulkheads Tanks Transoms Sides Part 3 Gluing and Final Assembly
05 Dry Assembly and Glueing of Bottom
06 Aligning the Boat and Dry Assembly of Interior Components
07 Gluing All Interior Components
08 Glassing the Bottom
08 Glassing the Bottom Normal Speed
10 Fitting and Gluing the Decks
10 Fitting and Gluing the Decks Normal Speed
Resources for building and sailing the Oz Goose
We have some great resources for building and sailing the Oz Goose. Browse the website to see rigging (some real money savers) and sailing technique tips.
Also, Menu Link for Buying Plans – USD40. A boatbuilding course in a book.