Oz Goose Sailboat Plans are available now from our agents worldwide in North America, Australia, South Africa, UK, France and Hungary.
The plans are a boatbuilding course in a single book. Over 100 pages with step by step detail. including how to make a sail using a home sewing machine and a polytarp.
We at Storer Boat Plans are famous for the quality of our plans.
There is also support from the Oz Goose group on Facebook. The group quickly responds to questions and includes much description and many photos from other builders. Have a look before you buy the plans.
Oz Goose Group on Facebook – useful for worldwide builders
Special website for builders in the Philippines – useful for local materials suppliers and videos of building
Free Online Sailing Lessons – up to date sailing lessons make it much easier to learn to sail than the old methods. Most books are out of date now as much has changed.
Buy Oz Goose Plans Internationally – PDF and Paper Plans available from all agents
The agents can also supply precut plywood kits
Where to get Sails for the Oz Goose
Sails available from Duckworks USA
Sails available from Arwen Marine France
Sails available from Really Simple Sails (Our Sailmaking Company) – Worldwide
For those of you who have not seen square boats like this sail there are very good reasons for the shape.
- Massive stability gives huge sail carrying ability
- fast – 12 knots is easy and top measured speed is 13.8 knots on a tideless lake

- excellent carrying capacity – it sails very well from very light winds with three adults aboard (or two adults and several kids) making it an excellent family boat and TEACHING BOAT. Rarely capsizes even with beginner mistakes in medium to strong winds. If capsized comes up easily and with no water aboard.

- Easy to handle – when heeled in a gust the helm is very balanced and neutral – a small child can steer very easily.
As a downloadable PDF file they will be $40 from Duckworks in the USA or DuckFlat in Australia. 110 pages includes all stages of building including making a powerful home made sail or information to order one of the sails our partner reallysimplesails.com make in the Philippines. This supersedes all previous versions of the Storer designed Goose